Yesterday the nightly news in Canada aired with a segment on Intermittent Fasting, and your truly was in it.You can watch the clip below.This was a great eye opener for me as it reminded me that even after all these years, it’s the most basic anti-fasting scaremongering that is still the most prevalent.Back in 2007 when Eat Stop Eat was first published dispelling the myth of muscle loss while fasting was the major topic of the book. Since then the book has expanded, and in the fitness world ‘muscle loss’ is rarely brought up as a side effect of fasting anymore. But this television segment was a great reminder that to people first coming across Intermittent Fasting, this is still the major concern.And it’s not just Intermittent Fasting.It’s the most basic concerns that still hold back most of Health and Fitness.High Protein –> But what about your Kidneys? Squats –> But what about your knees

Read this article: 

Intermittent fasting on television | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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