
Why Tabata Training at Ferris360 is becoming so popular! Posted on Mar 25, 2013 in Fit Tips, Tabata-Maybe it has something to do with Sylva’s love of  T- AB -ATA!!!Tabata is the name of a Japanese researcher who discovered a way to increase both anaerobic and aerobic capacity and increase an individual’s metabolism so body fat could be burned quickly. This documented formula is a form of high intensity training that we love at Ferris360. Tabata training follows a specific format of:- 20 seconds of very high intensity exercise- 10 seconds of rest- repeat 8 times for a total of 4 minutesThe Tabata360 program is an extremely effective fat burning workout with the added bonus of a significant increase in VO2max. Each exercise might only be four minutes, but you keep sweating and breathing hard for a long time afterwards.

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ferris360 » Why Tabata Training at Ferris360 is becoming so popular!

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