Doral, FL, United States of America – January 11th, 2014EmailPrintAccording to industry statistics, about 1/3 of all adults are over weight, spending over $150 billion in medical care associated with obesity related illnesses. Furthermore, over $160 million has been spent this year alone by Americans looking to lose weight on programs and weight loss products. Hoping to stop the endless cycle, Kerry, spokesperson for announced they are now offering the new express diet showing consumers how to lose weight at home.Says the site’s spokesperson, “Many believe you have to be on a diet for months even a full year to lose weight, but they are wrong.

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It’s official:HIIT training is AWESOME!!!Researchers from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland have concluded that:The efficacy of a high intensity exercise protocol, involving only 250 kcal of work each week, to substantially improve insulin action in young sedentary subjects  is  remarkable. This novel  time-efficient  training paradigm can  be  used  as  a  strategy  to  reduce  metabolic  risk  factors  in  young  and middle aged sedentary populations who otherwise would not adhere  to  time consuming traditional aerobic exercise regimes.Art by Bill Hall – billhall.comAnd for those of you that don’t know, here are the risk factors of Metabolic Syndrome that HIIT training is so effective at reducing:Abdominal obesity (excessive fat tissue in and around the abdomen) Atherogenic dyslipidemia (blood fat disorders — high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol and high LDL cholesterol — that foster plaque buildups in artery walls) Elevated blood pressure Insulin resistance or glucose intolerance (the body can’t properly use insulin or blood sugar) Prothrombotic state (e.g., high fibrinogen or plasminogen activator inhibitor–1 in the blood) Proinflammatory state (e.g., elevated C-reactive protein in the blood) People with the metabolic syndrome are at increased risk of coronary heart disease and other diseases related to plaque buildups in artery walls (e.g., stroke and peripheral vascular disease) and type 2 diabetes. It’s estimated that over 50 million Americans have it.And I am 100% sure that you don’t want it.So, what do you need to do?Go to your doctor and get checked out – Max intensity sprints combined with a sky high B.P. is just asking for trouble. Go through my HIIT resources Find an exercise bike, set of stairs, outdoor track or even a carpeted area in your home to do burpees Schedule 3 x 15 minute HIIT workouts per week Get HIITing And I am serious about the doctor.

Source article:

HIIT Training: The Cure for Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity? – Health …

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