
What is “HIIT” and How Does It Effect Heart Health? Posted by North Ohio Heart | Ohio Medical Group on Mon, Jan 06, 2014 How would you feel if you could exercise less with more benefits? Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?You’ve probably heard of interval training before, but the practice has gained a recent resurgence in exercise communities under the acronym “HIIT,” which stands for High Intensity Interval Training. The premise is simple: short, intense bursts of high exertion are followed by a period of active rest, and then repeated over a 20-30 minute workout.So, what are the benefits of HIIT?It’s efficient. Don’t think you have time to work out

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What is “HIIT” and How Does It Effect Heart Health?

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Are you looking for a way to maximize your workouts? Would you like to burn more fat without losing the muscle you have worked so hard to build? We may have just the tip for you. If you haven’t heard of high intensity interval training, better known by the acronym HIIT, you may have just stumbled upon the holy grail of exercise.High intensity interval training requires that you include some variation in the level of intensity with which you perform an exercise. For example, if you decide to try some HIIT on a treadmill, you may walk for one minute and run for two minutes

Read this article:

HIIT: The number one way to maximize your workout | GenTwenty

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