Think you don’t have enough time for exercise? Good news: The body of evidence supporting short, high-intensity workouts continues to grow. According to a small new study commissioned by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), Tabata-style workouts done for just 20 minutes provide measurable cardio benefits.The time-friendly Tabata trend began with the Japanese speed skating team. Head coach Irisawa Koichi had been asking players to follow a training routine that involved alternating short periods of high intensity work with even shorter periods of rest. He asked training coach Izumi Tabata to analyze how effective this setup was.

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High-Intensity Tabata Training Deemed An Effective Workout, Study …

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With the notion of boosting fitness in just four short minutes, it’s no surprise that Tabata training is all the buzz. What originally began as a high-intensity interval training protocol performed on a cycling ergometer by Japanese Olympic speed skaters has now morphed into workouts that combine everything from plyometrics to traditional resistance training exercises using the same format: eight cycles of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. To investigate the benefits of this intense type of training, the American Council on Exercise® (ACE) enlisted the research team at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse to examine the true calorie-burning potential of a total-body Tabata session.In the study, 16 moderately fit to very fit men and women completed two 20-minute Tabata workouts.

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The Research-Approved 20-Minute Tabata Workout – Shape

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