Alright, here we go.
If you’ve surfed the internet, chances are you’ve heard about zombies. Maybe you’ve even participated in the discussion on how to survive a zombie invasion. But while equipment and strategy has been discussed to no end, there’s been less discussion about the fitness level that’s necessary in giving you the edge to survive a zombie apocalypse.

First, let’s put down what we know about zombies:
1) They’re slow.
2) They spread disease.
3) They’re extremely strong.
4) They can dance, as seen from Thriller.
Now, when we analyze the zombie’s abilities we come to the following conclusion that will help us with our training:
***Stay away from the zombies.***
The rule of thumb when trying to survive the zombies is not to get close to them. Now there is always the chance that you’ll get jumped unexpectedly and need to defend yourself with a baseball bat, chainsaw, or battle axe (and we’ll discuss this soon), […]

Original post by (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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Filed under: Fitness