1 cycle for time:
25 yards Stone Crawl Push x 4

10 Shot Puts (5 each hand)

10 Overhead Throws
10 Chest Throws

How-to: This workout is best done on a grass field. Choose a round stone (aka “sweatstone”). Use a suitable weight for your ability level (10-30 lb will do for most people). Push the stone on hands-and-feet, always having three limbs touching the ground, so that it rolls away from you. Quickly crawl to the stone and repeat, alternating arms as you proceed down the field. Complete 25 yards.
Pick the stone up and shot put it 5 times each hand. Repeat the crawl for another 25 yards. Now overhead throw the stone with both hands 10 times. Repeat the crawl for another 25 yards. Now chest throw the stone using with both hands 10 times. Crawl once more.
After each of the throws above sprint to the rock.
Record your time. Submit your […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Filed under: Fitness