3 cycles of:
30 Walking Lunges
Weight Carry/Evade
2 x 10 Pushups
20 Squat Thrusters*

This workout is designed to be done with a partner or group. See the “How-to” section below for instructions.

Warmup: A couple rotations of the Grok Squat and a few 50 meter runs at moderate effort.

Sandbag or some other heavy weight for a “Hunt” prize. A 50 lb sandbag works well, but any weight that is heavy to you and your partner will work. A soft weight (sandbag, medicine ball, etc.) is highly recommended.
A kettlebell, set of dumbbells or any other weight(s) you can hold at your chest or shoulders and press overhead.
Bandana, flag or some other piece of cloth.

Find a large, open field. Set up this WOW by placing the prize (sandbag or alternate weight) on one end of the field and the dumbbells (or alternate weight) on the other, about 50 meters […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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