5 cycles of:
10 Russian Lunges (5 each leg)
8 Explosive Clapping Pushups
5 Explosive Pullups
5 Weight Tosses

Warmup: 30 second Grok Squat, 10 straight leg swings (each leg, each direction: forward/back/lateral).
In today’s elite athletes, explosive power makes the difference. Running sprints, either as the main event or in a basketball or football game, requires power. A successful shot put is a hip-centric power move. A devastating uppercut only devastates if there’s significant power behind it. But these men and women fusing strength and speed together aren’t doing anything new; the capacity for explosiveness is millions of years old. It’s encoded in all of our DNA. You don’t have to be an elite athlete to focus on both strength and speed.
Today’s WOW is all about explosiveness. You’ll be moving weight (be it bodyweight, or supplementary weight held in your hands or strapped to your back) as […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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