Stay tuned for another round of Monday Musings, posted later today.

2 cycles of:
100 Foot Car Push
100 Foot Car Pull

Warmup: 30 second Grok Squat.
Equipment: Automobile, driver/navigator (optional, but recommended)
Pushing and/or dragging heavy things along the ground are favorite Homo sapien pastimes. Carcasses that were too cumbersome to carry had to be dragged, to camp or to a more favorable butchering spot. The ancients may not have had the wheel until the late Neolithic, but they still had to move ridiculously large stones from time to time; the careful placement of wooden planks and the pushing/pulling efforts of multiple strong men accomplished this task. Tug of war has well-defined Indian roots in the 12 century AD, but strong man competitions pitting one man’s push/pull strength against another’s have likely been occurring for tens of thousands of years. Think sumo. Think football. We […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Filed under: Fitness