“Eat Stop Eat and Resistance Training”
“Eat Stop Eat combined with Working Out”
“Eat Stop Eat and hitting the weights”
Admittedly, I am starting to sound like a broken record.
And while the benefits that weight training has on the effects of fasting are nothing short of remarkable, it is time for me to change it up.
In fact, I’m going to go in a whole new direction.
let’s talk about…
“Resistance training and Eat Stop Eat.”
(feel free to roll your eyes)
There are chapters in Eat Stop Eat on my theories on how resistance training benefits intermittent fasting, but we’ve never really talked about how Eat Stop Eat can benefit resistance training.
First and foremost..the obvious: All that work in the gym is almost pointless if the muscle you are building is covered by a inch-thick layer of fat.
Nobody buys a new Ferrari to keep hidden in a garage. You take that baby out and show it off.
(Just […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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