All over, we hear over and over how important it is to “change up your workout routine often” so that you can avoid getting bored and keep motivated. The truth is that this is possibly some of the WORST advice that can be given to someone starting to work out – or someone who has been working out for awhile.
Here’s why.
There are two main factors that come into play when trying to get in amazing shape. They are:
1. Building habits.
2. Improving at what you’re doing.
NEITHER of the above can be accomplished if you constantly change up your workout routine. You can’t build habits when you keep doing something else, and you can’t improve at something if you don’t keep doing it!
That’s why it’s so important to NOT change your workouts often. Do bodybuilders ever stop bench pressing? Do swimmers ever stop swimming? Do soccer players ever stop playing soccer? No. […]

Original post by (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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