Over the past few weeks we’ve had so many students accomplish so much, that we saw the need to feature their accomplishments here on the blog.
What the title should really say is “Why does KnuckleUp Have The Best, Most Committed Students In The Outer Banks?”
And the reason is that our students ROCK! Seriously, the level of dedication these folks show class after class, bootcamp after bootcamp, fight after fight, is incomparable. And we’re very proud of each and every one of them!
And here are just a few of those students:
Reverend Jay Bowman completely reshaped his body from an average-chubby to become the most ripped minister in the outer banks.
He not only gained muscle, but lost a ton of weight!
Jay was a big supporter of Matt Costa’s beach fitness bootcamp this summer – and proof of its amazing results!
Vonnie Wescott lost 30 lbs in our kickboxing classes – and she enjoyed […]

Original post by knuckleup

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