Why do I eat so much?
It’s a question we’ve probably all asked ourselves at one point or another.
After all, eating too much is what is keeping most of us from having the bodies we want.
Sure there are a lot of different answers, ones that make it sound like it’s not our fault (hormones like ghrelin and adiponectin), some that make it sound like its ALL our fault (complete lack of will power), and a bunch that are somewhere in between.
So here’s a list of 5 little known reasons why you may be eating more than you want to…some are blunt, but it may help if we finally open up and consider these as possibilities.
1 . You are thirsty – Lots of us mistake thirst for hunger.

Quick fix – Drink some water first…can’t hurt.

2. You are covering for something – OK…honesty time…most of us eat because we need the stimulation. Think […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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