When it comes to weight loss and muscle building advice, there is a group of people you absolutely must NOT trust.
This group could include your best friend, family members or even trusted on-line fitness personalities.
And while they mean well…their advice can lead you disastrously astray.
This group is known as “The Early Adopters”
Have you ever heard something along the lines of:
Hey Jim, how’s that new workout you are trying?
Oh man, it’s AMAZING, the fat is practically MELTING off of me

If you answered yes, then you have met an Early Adopter.
Early Adopters are people who advise on how ‘awesome’ something is, they are only doing so  because it’s something NEW.
You are getting great feedback on the sole basis that the topic is NEW and EXCITING.
[You are also typically getting feedback that is exaggerated or even impossible based on the time lines…especially when it comes to muscle building. […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Filed under: Fitness