Hey guys, big news! We’re going to have a seminar with a UFC fighter! Junior Assuncao (10-4) will be coming into town next week, and he will be doing some teaching.
Junior is from Northeastern Brazil originally, but now lives in the Atlanta area. He is a patriotic fighter: he has black belts in Jiu Jitsu AND capoeira, both native Brazilian martial arts. Unlike most MMA fighters who use May Thai or kickboxing as the base for their fighting style, Junior’s style is based in Capoeira. Capoeira requires a lot of agility, and looks like it would be more appropriate in a dance club than the fighting ring.
Seeing Capoeira in action is reason enough to come down for this seminar. Trust me.
He’s been coaching most of the past decade, so teaching a seminar for us is old hat. Plus, he’s the head instructor for Ascension MMA.
Aside from his mastery of BJJ […]

Original post by knuckleup

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