Attention all overweight people of the planet Earth.
Your days of struggling with obesity & dieting are finally over.
Taco Bell is here to free you from your bonds of corpulence.
Forget about their infamous Fourth Meal or their 990 calorie Volcano Nachos or their 900 calorie Chicken Ranch Taco Salad or their 640 calorie Grilled Stuft Steak Burrito.
Forget about all of that stuff. None of that matters anymore.
Because, Taco Bell has decided to kick Jared’s butt and become America’s Weight Loss Champion.
And they’re going to do it with their new Drive-Thru Diet.

Hmmm…what do you think of that?  54 pounds is nothing to sneeze at. Maybe they’re onto something.
Let’s hear some more about the Drive-Thru Diet

Sounds great, doesn’t it?
But before we make up our minds, maybe we should get the opinion of a medical expert…

Hmmm, now I’m confused.
Maybe, we should hear from an actual Taco Bell customer…

That was interesting.
The morbidly obese Taco Bell […]

Original post by healthhabits

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