Last week the J.J. Experiment began. J.J. Valdivia, a personal trainer in Miami, is guiding ten people as they take a 30-Day Leap into a healthy lifestyle. Let’s find out how they’re doing…
Hello MDA,
We are 11 days into the Primal Blueprint 30-Day Challenge and my Leapers and I are still as determined to succeed as we were on day 1. Last Friday, I was met by Thor Braathen and Sandra Mirabal for a one hour walk through downtown Miami.
We conversed the entire walk about Primal life and let me tell you, it sure does beat the chronic cardio I used to do 3-4 times a week. We returned from our walk feeling refreshed and energized, instead of “run down” and carb depleted. Gatorade? No, thanks!

On Monday, I met with the entire group and I passed out our “Grok On” t-shirts. We talked about our individual experiences with the first week of the challenge and it turns […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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