In Part 1 of the Deadpool Mega Muscle Mass Workout, I told you that:

By stimulating the hard to hit fast-twitch muscle fibers, even hardgainers can maximize the size, strength and power of their muscles.
To wake up those fast-twitch fibers, we need to use 1 of 3 different techniques:

Very Intense Concentric Muscular Contractions – ex. Partial range bench press or Isometrics
Very Intense Eccentric Muscular Contractions – ex. Plyometric movements (depth jumps)
Very Fast Concentric & Eccentric Muscular Contractions – like a hummingbird flapping it’s wings

After waking up the fast-twitch fibers, we hit them with…

Slightly Less Intense Concentric Muscular Contractions…through a full range of motion and performed as fast as possible. Think explosive bench presses.
Slightly Less Intense Eccentric Muscular Contractions….but we drastically increase the time under tension. Sloooowwww negatives on those bench presses.
With no pause at the top or bottom of the lift. The muscle is always under tension.

Today, I am going to […]

Original post by DR

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