Since building the Squidoo Lens about Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool Workout, I have become a big Deadpool fan and am really looking forward to the movie. I think the studio made a great choice casting Ryan “Smart Ass” Reynolds in the role of Wade Wilson.
So, as an homage to Deadpool’s unique sense of humor, I have re-named Phase 1 of my Official “Make Ryan Reynolds your Beeyotch” Workout after one of my favorite Deadpool quotes:

Shoryuken Workout
As I mentioned in the previous article, the key to the success of this mass building phase is the focus on your nervous system and fast-twitch muscle fibers.
The theory is that since most hardgainers are slow-twitch fiber dominant, and slow-twitch fibers aren’t built for hypertrophy, we need to do something special to wake up those dormant fast-twitch fibers and force them to grow.
And here’s how we’re going to do it:

Each workout will consist of a series […]

Original post by DR

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