Thank you and congratulations are due to loyal Mark’s Daily Apple readers, as you smashed viewership records in February, 2010. had hundreds of thousands of unique visitors and millions of page views! This level of volume ranks as one of the top-5 health and fitness blogs in the world. I am also excited to report that the first printing of The Primal Blueprint (16,500 copies) sold out in December, 2009, and I have recently received a second printing of 20,000 hardcover editions. The book continues to climb the rankings at, reaching the top-250 among all books and top-5 in the Exercise & Fitness category in recent days. (To help me push it to #1 check back on March 17. Read all the details here.)
While this is more than enough self-congratulation for one post, I do want to emphasize the collective power of the Mark’s Daily Apple community […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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