Back in the olden days, workout nutrition consisted of a quick run to the water fountain between exercises.
Then came Gatorade.
Then, we were introduced to the magic 20 minute post-workout window of time.
We were told that if we chugged down a  carb/protein shake immediately after working out, we would:

Shift our metabolism from a catabolic state (muscle damaging) to an anabolic state (muscle building) .
Reduce post exercise muscle soreness
Get bigger, stronger, leaner, faster, etc…

And there was (and still is) a lot of scientific research to back up this belief.
As a result, every gym put in a “smoothie bar” and we all chugged down some pretty gross post-workout protein shakes.
But wait, it doesn’t end there, we’re just getting started.
Researchers began to study whether pre-workout carb/pro nutrition might be even more efficient than post-workout carb/pro nutrition.
And their research showed that it was.
As a result, instead of one post-workout shake, I was now drinking half […]

Original post by healthhabits

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