For years, my clients have been losing weight / getting healthy on my version of the Paleo Eating.
During that same time, the world has gotten fatter & sicker eating a mainstream “western” diet.
Luckily, over the past few years, more and more people have been introduced to Paleo nutrition. And while the number of Paleo diners is still very, very small, that number is growing.
As the Paleo population grows, new & better Paleo resources are being created to help newcomers learn the ropes of eating Paleo.
At the present time, the Paleo market is too small to warrant any big glossy celebrity chef Paleo Recipe Books.
But, there are a growing number of Paleo Foodies willing to publish their culinary creations on their Paleo Food Blogs.
Here are some of my favorites:
Cosmopolitan Primal Girl

Lemon-Basil Chicken Salad in Radicchio Wraps

Everyday Paleo

Rockin' Moroccan Chicken

Cavegirl In The Kitchen

Paleo Pizza

My Paleo Kitchen

Cabbage […]

Original post by healthhabits

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