In case you haven’t noticed, the human body has a basic shape.
By and large we are all roughly related in how we look.
If I put a person, a gorilla and a hippopotamus together in a room, chances are you would easily pick out the human.
If I was abducted by aliens right now, and was forced to describe the male part of the human race, this is what I would say:
They average about 5′10″ in height, with about 148 pounds of lean mass. At any given height they can vary greatly in weight, but this is due to their ability to store energy in the form of fat mass.
If I was asked to explain further I would say this:
Their height is normally distributed with a standard deviation of about 3 inches. This means that 95% of all men fall somewhere between 5′4″ and 6′4″ in height.
At any given height their lean […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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