Lately I’ve noticed that a lot of people seem to HATE milk.
Apparently this stems from an ongoing attack against milk, mostly from fitness personalities and raw food / vegan lifestyle advocates.
Typically, the anti-milk talk looks something like this:
Here’s some of the nasty surprises hidden in your milk:

Synthetic growth hormone
Dangerous Antibiotics

Plus, did you know that Pasteurization kills most of the enzymes in your milk rendering it practically indigestible?

Now here’s my issue:
This seems like a classic case of Parrot Phenomena…
People just echoing what other people said because it sounds good.
However, whether you are a Journalist or a know it’s of UTMOST IMPORTANCE to always check your references.
After all no one wants to be caught up in Food libel lawsuit.
(In many US States it is illegal to disseminate misinformation about foods…think of back when Oprah
Winfrey was sued by Texas beef producers for questioning the safety […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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