MidgettGray.com & KnuckleUp OBX – Bootcamp Biggest Loser Challenge

Spring is coming up, and along comes swimsuit season, and then…. Everybody rushes to the gym at the last minute.
This year, we’re NOT going to let you do that. We’re getting you off of your couch and exercising, and paying you for it!
The Biggest Loser Challenge
In partnership with top online designer fashion boutique MidgettGray.com, KnuckleUp Outer Banks is going to award 2 students for their fitness achievements in this pre-summer season.
Students may win by losing the most amount of weight overall or by a percentage of weight loss. For example, if a 160lb student comes down to 135lb, while a 250lb comes down to 220lb, the first student would win by % of weight loss even though the second lost more pounds.
This way, everybody’s got a fair shot at the prizes. And we’re sure you’re going to enjoy the prizes!
What You’re Getting
For […]

Original post by knuckleup

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