We all know how to stretch….right?
Bend over, touch your toes and hold for 30 seconds.

So, why is it that after years and years of static stretching after each and every workout, my hip flexors, hamstrings, abductors, calves, traps, pecs and entire shoulder girdle were always uber-tight and I was suffering from lower back spasms every few months?

Could it be that what we thought was right wasn’t?
Could it be that just about every personal trainer in the world is wrong?
Could it be that Mr. Toe Touch was wasting his time and perhaps even making things worse?

This is where I found myself about a year ago.
So I went looking for another way to stretch my tight muscles back into balance.
And I found two very different techniques that worked very well for me.
Today, I am going to introduce you to microStretching.

more about “Micro Stretching“, posted with vodpod

For those of you that need more […]

Original post by DR

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