I want you to imagine that you’re the parent of this chubby little guy chowing down at Mickey Dees.

You know that your kid is obese.
You know that being obese is not going to make his life easier in any respect – health, social stigma, etc

And yet, here you are at McDonalds…again
How does that make you feel?

Like a failure as a parent?
Worried about your kid’s health?
Concerned that you don’t know how to fix the problem?
Upset that you can’t afford to fix the problem?

What if there was a program that:

Has been proven to help reverse childhood obesity (study, study)
Teaches kids (and their families) what & how they should be eating to be fit
Takes the family shopping to show them how to shop for healthy food on a budget
Shows the family how to prepare healthy meals
Teaches the family psychological tips to help them improve their odds of winning the weight loss battle
Re-introduces kids […]

Original post by healthhabits

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