When you’re in the mood for something decadent, or a special occasion arises, or it’s a Tuesday and for no particular reason at all you’re craving lobster, MDA Reader Kerry Carlson’s Lobster, Grapefruit and Avocado Salad with Creamy Citrus Dressing is one to turn to.
Kerry’s lobster salad is flavored by a bold combination of tart grapefruit, creamy avocado and salty bacon. This trio of contrasting flavors will wake up your taste buds and demand they take notice of what you’ re eating. Each bite is a celebration of varying textures and flavors, and when one of those bites also includes a chunky piece of lobster meat, you’re really in for a treat.

Lobster is loved for its decidedly un-fishy flavor, which makes it a favorite even with people who don’t adore all types of seafood. The meat is mild and buttery and, in fact, it’s fantastic served with nothing more than […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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