Hello, everyone! This is the editor of Mark’s Daily Apple, Aaron Fox. Mark has his hands full today, so I’ll be reporting from the field. Check back throughout the day for text, photo and (maybe, fingers crossed) video updates.
7:53 am: There’s a buzz in the air as the inaugural PrimalCon kicks off in beautiful Oxnard, California. Attendees are trickling in. Grok On! shirts have been sighted.
8:00 am: Primal peoples meet and greet at registration

8:01 am: Getting hooked up with a Primal gift bag

8:16 am: Heading out to the beach park for sprint and lifting sessions

8:24 am: Chatting with Mark

8:27 am: PrimalCon event coordinator extraordinaire, Brad Kearns, sporting a slick PrimalCon shirt

8:32 am: PrimalCon attendees unite!

8:32 am: US Olympic team runner, Michael Stember, begins his sprinting instruction session

8:33 am: Philippe Til instructing on proper lifting form

8:55 am: Run like Grok!

12:10 pm: Ocean Plunge! A little cold water therapy does a […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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Filed under: Fitness