Like many people, I am a big-time movie fan. I appreciate great acting and Leonardo DiCaprio is quite possibly my favorite actor. My two favorite movies of his are "The Beach" and "Catch Me If You Can" (I own both of those movies). "Blood Diamond" is also right up there. Anyway, Leonardo DiCaprio's personal trainer for "The Beach" tracked me down and asked if I wanted to do a Q&A session. What is cool about his story is that he was flown to Thailand and only had a little over 2 weeks to whip everyone into to top shape. Leo needed to drop 17 pounds in roughly two weeks. Cornel explains how he accomplished this feat, along with other cool things about his experience, in this interview.

[I like it when actors like DiCaprio do volunteer work for causes they believe in. One of his causes is to save polar bears […]

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