If you’ve been keeping up with my blog posts lately you’ll know I’ve come to adding a few news posts from around the web on this subject. I’ve got a couple more today that are new and updated, so let me know what you think of em…
Grandmaster’s Blog: Can Martial Arts Books Teach You?
However, having said all that, there are some wonderful martial arts books out there that have be written that can very enlightening while in training with a legitimate school of learning. Some of these books titles I will mention in …
Training for Warriors: The Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts Workout
“A fantastic book! The approach of associating MMA techniques with the exercises that will help improve them is something people will not have seen before.” — Kid Peligro, Acclaimed martial arts author and BJJ black belt”If you want …
Albion’s Seed | Weakness With a Twist
I'm always passionate about martial […]

Original post by dominic Paris

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