If you’re anything like me (and 96.4% of all men), you have left your Christmas shopping to the last minute.
And the stores are all sold out of Red Ryder BB guns.
So, whatcha gonna do?
I’ll tell you what you’re gonna do.
You’re gonna give your friends and family the gifts of health, fitness and smaller love handles.
And I am here to help with my Health Habits Approved™  Last Minute Christmas Shopping Guide.
Category 1:  Health Club Memberships
Don’t do it.
The latest research shows that overweight gym-goers feel more embarrassment and intimidation about exercising, exercising around young people, exercising around fit people, and about health club salespeople than individuals of normal weight.
And most health clubs do nothing to address these feelings of embarrassment and intimidation.
As a result, the people who need that gym membership the most are the same people who are most likely to quit.
So, unless you enjoy throwing your money away, don’t buy […]

Original post by healthhabits

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