Resistance training is the ’secret’ to maintaining muscle mass while dieting.
I guess technically it’s not really a secret since this has been shown in dozens of published clinical trials using many different protocols…
But ’secret’ just sounds cool.
Anyways, something you should know about this little fact:
Your ability to maintain your skeletal muscle mass is likely a direct relation to it’s use.
In other words: If you only trained your right arm, this will most likely NOT prevent muscle loss from occurring in your left arm.
As an example:
If your right arm is in a cast it will atrophy (shrink) while the rest of your body stays the same…Regardless of nutritional intake.
This would apply regardless of whether or not you are fasting.
Bottom line: If you are following Eat Stop Eat properly, then you are fasting AND resistance training, and this resistance training should include all the muscles of your body…not every day, but as […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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