According to a new study, just a single bad night’s sleep will make you hungry and cause you to overeat.
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The Study

12 men were placed in one of two groups
Group #1 was allowed to get 8 hours of sleep (midnight to 8:00 am) while
Group #2 was limited to 4 hours of sack time (2:00 am to 6:00 am)

The following day, researchers measured:

Food consumption (participants were allowed to eat as much as they wanted of the following foods – jam on buttered toast for breakfast, buffet for lunch, and a free menu for dinner)
Physical activity
Feelings of hunger
Perceived pleasantness of food
Desire to eat some foods (cravings)

The Results
The 4-hour group…

Consumed between 560-617 more calories than the 8-hour group
Was hungrier than the 8-hour group.
Had higher levels of ghrelin
Had lower levels of leptin

And that’s after just one night of sleep deprivation.
What’s going to happen after one month..or one year?
Turn off the […]

Original post by healthhabits

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