Stimulating the overhead press using just one’s bodyweight is the trickiest essential Primal movement yet. The standard bodyweight replacement for the standing overhead press is the handstand pushup. I’m a huge fan, but the reality is that it’s not a realistic prescription for most people right off the bat. Can you imagine Grandpa busting out a set of ten handstand pushups? Not very likely (yet). It’s a tough, tough movement (which is why it works so well and why it’s level 8 in the PBF progression), but luckily you can target the same muscles with a much more elementary movement: the shoulder press pushup.

It is simple fact that pressing heavy things overhead is a fundamental movement that builds strength and improves our ability to function in the real world. Variations of the shoulder press pushup gives everyone, of all strength and fitness levels, the ability to train that plane of […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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