What is this?
The Gymboss is a small, easy-to-use, dual-mode, interval timer.
What do I use it for?
It can be used for a large variety of training-protocols where time is an important variable. I’ve tested it for HIIT and weight training.
Test number one: HIIT: 15 s sprint/45 s walking x 10.
For this protocol, I set the first timer to 15 seconds and the other one to 45 seconds. Once the timers reaches zero, the device either vibrates or gives off a beeping sound. I prefer to set it to vibrate since I have my earphones on during training. I set it to be repeated ten times. 15 sec, buzz, 45 sec, buzz, and repeat.
Test number two: 4 x 4 squats (6RM), 55 s per set/4 min rest x 4.
I calculated 55 seconds per set: 10 s for getting ready and unracking, 10 s per repetition (3:2 tempo and 5 s rest […]

Original post by noreply@blogger.com (Martin Berkhan)

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