All across the globe, personal trainers push their clients up onto BOSU balls with claims that it increases core muscle activity.
And while I personally think that the only reason trainers’ use the BOSU is to make their clients look silly…

…I always wondered what would happen if the BOSU got dragged into a university lab and put through it’s paces.
Well, back in March of this year, researchers from Eastern Illinois University did just that.
The Study
PURPOSE: To compare core muscle activity during resistance exercises performed on stable ground vs. the BOSU Balance Trainer.
METHODS: Twelve trained men performed the back squat, dead lift, overhead press, and bicep curl lifts. Each lift was performed under three separate conditions:

50% of 1 RM (rep max or max possible lift) while standing on solid ground,
50% of 1 RM while standing on a BOSU and
75% of 1RM while standing on solid ground.

For each lift, the activity of […]

Original post by DR

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