I knew it!!!
I knew there was a reason my Health Habits readers are so much smarter than the average person on the street.
It turns out that all of that exercise you do improves brain health and actually promotes the growth of new brain cells.
The Research
In a new study (published here), researchers found that voluntary running caused lab mice to grow new brain cells in the region of the brain (hippocampus) associated with memory and spatial navigation.
The 105-day study included two groups of mice. One group was allowed unlimited access to an exercise wheel and ran an average of more than 20 km (12 miles) a day. The other group of mice weren’t allowed to exercise.
Tests showed that the mice in the exercise group were better able to distinguish between memories of similar things. This is likely due to the additional brain cells generated by exercise, the researchers said.
“Keeping similar memories […]

Original post by healthhabits

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