I love interval training.
Absolutely love it.
There is something magical about the HIIT, HIRT and Tabata workouts that I inflict upon my clients.
As the clock counts down, they move quicker, lift heavier and recover faster.
Whether it’s bike sprints…

or jumping lunges…

…interval training is a powerful tool for burning fat and getting really, really fit, really, really fast.
So, how do you get started with interval training?
Glad you asked.
Step One:  Buy an Interval Timer.
Seriously, you’ll thank me. No more watching the clock out of the corner of your eye or screaming at your workout buddy for not paying attention. Spend the 20 bucks. Buy a Gymboss interval timer. Clip it to your shorts. It will beep & vibrate to let you know when to start & stop.
Simple. Effective. Buy the damn timer.
Step Two: Select one of the many free HIIT/HIRT/Tabata workouts that I have posted here @ Health Habits

Why Can’t I Lose This Fat? […]

Original post by healthhabits

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