Although I haven’t read the book (Eat. Repent. Repeat.), it’s a concept we’re all familiar with. People eat something they know they shouldn’t, self-flagellate and run themselves ragged on the treadmill in penance, only to find themselves in the same boat a few days (or hours) later. Not much of a surprise on that one, is it? I’ll admit I’ve never understood this game, but I see it for the self-perpetuating cycle that it is: an endless rotation of escapism, guilt and punishment. Why do so many people insist upon this transgressive model of eating? And, why, for Pete’s sake, do they think raining retribution on themselves is any way to get back in the saddle?

We all know the drill. The unassuming soul is lured, tempted, flagrantly ensnared into eating complete crap by the siren song of whatever commercial, billboard, lunch buffet, coworker birthday, happy hour, grocery store end cap […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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