Let me be your tour guide through this little piece of marketing.
Firstly, “Studies Show“…You see so much “Studies Show”, “Science Says” and “Experts Think” that it is now an ambiguous term that really has no meaning…at least to me…in marketing.
Next, the word “MORE”…in big capital letters…actually it’s “MORE WHOLE GRAIN”
There is no confusing what the word MORE means. And, whole grain is obviously referring to a characteristic of the product in the box.
Then the soft words…in small “can help”….these are the words that make everything…vague. Kind of like when a friend asks you if you will help him move on the weekend and you reply “Possibly”.
Then the BIG FONT “manage weight”..not capitals…but bigger then any other letters on the entire front of the box..except for the product name.
“Manage” is an interesting term. It doesn’t mean lower, it could mean increase, more than likely it means ’stay the same’
When you manage […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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