Not everyone is happy with the anti-obesity/anti-soda ad produced by the NYC Dept of Health.

And it isn’t just the people who lost their lunches after seeing that globby/fatty/veiny cup of goo.
It’s groups like the Center for Consumer Freedom.
In fact, the CCF was so upset, that they produced their own rebuttal ad and had it printed in the New York Times

BTW, a full page ad in the Times costs upwards of $158,004.
And we’re not even including the costs associated with creating the ad.
We’re talking big money.
And thinking about that big money awakened the skeptic in me. And that inner skeptic started thinking…who is the Center for Consumer Freedom and why are they spending a ton of money defending our freedoms against anti-cola advertisements?
So, I did a little research into the CCF.
My findings?
Apparently, there are a lot of people who don’t like the CCF.
To them, the CCF is nothing but a […]

Original post by DR

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