Alright, let’s cut right to the chase.
Do you NEED to eat big to build muscle size?
The obvious answer is YES.
After all, if you eat big you’ll put on weight. And, when you put on weight those first 5, 6, 7 pounds, well they don’t REALLY look
like fat….
But are they muscle?
AND, let’s be completely honest…if you’re a personal trainer, or an on-line expert…”Eat Big” is the SAFE bet.
After all, there’s really no reason to suspect that Eating Big will HINDER muscle growth…so other than getting fat for no reason, the risk is low.
But is it the RIGHT bet?
A couple questions to ponder:
1 – How many calories does it take to build a pound of muscle?

Is it 100, 500, 1,000?

2 – How quickly can you actually build a pound of TRUE skeletal muscle mass?

Can it be done in a day, a week, for sure a year?

3- Since both protein synthesis and protein […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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