Back when I was a kid, I had 4 types of taste buds: Sweet, Salty, Sour & Bitter
And then, they discovered that I (we) actually had a fifth taste bud specifically for savory foods like meat, cheese & mushrooms. This taste is commonly referred to as Umami (fun fact – in Japanese, umami means flavor or taste.)
And because they can’t leave well enough alone, some researchers in Australia have recently discovered a sixth form of taste.
And it just so happens to be a taste for FAT.
And how does this fat taste bud work?
Well, according to the researchers, “people with a high sensitivity for taste of fat actually eat less fatty food and have less likelihood of being overweight“.
Unfortunately, this also means that people with a low sensitivity for taste of fat are more likely to eat more fatty food and have a greater likelihood of being overweight“.
And there is nothing […]

Original post by healthhabits

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