Apparently my last blog post resonated with a lot of people.

Sure he's cute, but he's also evil.

The Sloth.
The weird, unseen gravitational force that keeps you on the couch even though you know you should be working out.
The internal dialogue that allows you to just ‘eat’ when you know you shouldn’t.
Not the one that says “go for it, you can burn it off later”, or “you haven’t eaten that much today, you can afford it” but the one that says..”I don’t care”.
Defeating the sloth is the important first step in getting in shape.
The sine qua non if you will.
But the Sloth is tricky.
It can fool you into thinking you are taking action when you really are not.
Making lists is not defeating the sloth. Either is planning your nutrition or spending late nights planning out the exact sets and reps of your workout.
You may feel like you’re taking action…but you’re probably not.
Don’t […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Filed under: Fitness