The Prize:
Vital Omegas. Fantastic fish fat. They’re good for you. You know you need them. Win this contest and you’ll get three, count it three, bottles of omega 3s.
The Contest:
Primal is sunshine and walks on the beach and filet mignons and lobster. But it is also toe bruises and no more donuts and unresolved arguments with vegan friends. Inspired by Tim Conrad’s meet and greet forum thread, in the comments section below, tell people what, in your experience, is the best part of living Primal and what is the worst part of living Primal.
Here are a few examples:

Best: The looks I get from people checking out my newly toned body.
Worst: The looks I get from people checking out my weird Vibrams.

Best: My IBS has all but disappeared since going Primal.
Worst: On the few occasions when I indulge in grains, I can feel the negative effects more than ever.

Best: More bacon
Worst: […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Filed under: Fitness