The Prize:
An entire year’s worth of my top-shelf multi-vitamin-antioxidant, the Primal Blueprint Damage Control Master Formula. And what the hey, I’ll also include a year’s worth of Vital Omegas.
The Contest:
Beyond the informative, MDA is also a place where people can go to find encouragement and inspiration on the road to better health. And nothing inspires better than example. If going Primal has improved your life, great or small, now’s your chance to share it with hundreds of thousands of people. Make and upload a video sharing your Primal success story. Maybe you’ve had a life changing success such as dramatic weight loss, a body transformation, or the reversing of type 2 diabetes. Or perhaps you’ve simply had a successful day like finally grilling a perfect steak, achieving your first pullup, or nudged your stubborn aunt to start taking what she eats seriously. Whatever your success story is, share it.  The […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Filed under: Fitness