The Prize:
Praxis. In the department of simple/versatile, Praxis unrolls and attaches to a door, tree, fire escape, or anything else to give you six anchor points for your resistance bands. And yes, I’m talking to you P90Xers out there and anyone else who has been snapped in the face trying to jury rig a resistance band to a portable pullup bar in an over-sized door frame.The folks at Praxis have set up a special landing page for MDA readers, complete with a exercise video and $10 discount + $10 flat rate shipping. Winner will receive both the Praxis and a heavy resistance band.
But why stop at one resistance band.  Enter today’s second prize, the Rubberbanditz. It’s a package of resistance bands, door straps, handles, and carabiners; this is the second year running I’ve featured this little bag-o-resistance. Maybe it’s the charm of Ari’s video, but give me these over the […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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