(This video can’t be embedded, so when you click the screen you’ll be directed to a new site – kcra.com – that hosts the video.)
An update on last week’s event announcement:
Early this week I hit the road for a mini book tour in Northern California. I started off shooting a spot on NBC’s local news affiliate (KCRA) in Sacramento (video above). Between this and a stop at another local news station (this time in Reno, NV) I had the pleasure of giving my first official Primal Blueprint PowerPoint presentation to CrossFit Genesis and other Primal enthusiasts in Roseville, CA. The response was overwhelming. It was unbelievably inspiring to meet people one-on-one that are turning their lives around with the PB lifestyle behaviors. You see, I get emails every day from readers with success stories; we have dozens of them showcased here, and many others have been featured on MDA. I […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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